
Paraphrases (2024)

– solo guitar  works by Ourkouzounov

Doberman-Yppan 2024 , DO 1523


Live in Tokyo (2024)

– flute & guitar  with Mie Ogura , live recording

Works by Gershwin, Beatles/Chick Corea, Ralchev, Ourkouzounov, Ogura

H&S Music 2024 , HS-1006/1


Autoportrait II (2017)

– solo guitar works 

Works by Ourkouzounov

Doberman-Yppan 2017 , DO 112


Bul-Bop (2014)

– flute & guitar  with Mie Ogura 

Works by Ourkouzounov

 Doberman-Yppan 2014 , DO 858


Something else (2013)

– flute & guitar  with Mie Ogura , live recording

Works by Gershwin, Bartok, Debussy, Ourkouzounov, Ogura

H&S Music 2013 , HS-1005


 Autoportrait (2012)

– solo guitar works 

Works by Ourkouzounov

 Doberman-Yppan 2012 , DO 818


False classic (2011)

– flute & guitar  with Mie Ogura , live recording 

Works by Ligeti, Corea, Ourkouzounov, Ellington, Papasov

H&S Music 2011 , HS-1004


Movement (2009)

– flute & guitar  with Mie Ogura

Works by Takemitsu, Corea, Ellington…

H&S Music 2009 , HS-1003


Legends (2006)

– flute & guitar  with Mie Ogura

Works by Debussy, Bartok, Jarrett, Gershwin, Ourkouzounov

Gendai Guitar 2006 , GGCV 1003


Contes des Balkans (2003)

– Ourkouzounov Ensemble

Mie Ogura-flute , Virginie Constant-cello , Aya Hirata-violin,

Alberto Vingiano & Atanas Ourkouzounov-guitars.

Chamber works by Ourkouzounov

Kle 2003 , Kle 1/2003


Recorded works by different performers

click on the title for more information:


Balkan muses  GHA Records 126.068 , Belgium , 2014

Sonate N°1  performed by Zoran Dukic


JUNE GHA Records 126.073 , Belgium , 2023

Cinq Postludes  performed by Judicael Perroy


A Parisian in Paris Naxos 8.579161, Germany, 2025

Trakiiska Elegia  performed by Gabriel Bianco


Cycling Modes Naxos 8.574117 , Germany , 2019

Sonatas Nos. 1-5  performed by Kostas Tosidis


Pièces dédiées Skarbo , DSK1214 , France , 2022

Micro Infinity I pour violon  performed by Sara Chenal – violin


Unreal city Contrastes Records , Spain , 2014

Sonate N°2  performed by Kostas Tosidis


Exils Contrastes Records , Spain , 2016

Eastern Songs , Postlude in Green , Toryanse Tales  performed by Rémi Jousselme


Out of Africa Cedille Records , CDR 7005  , USA , 2013

Folk Song Variations   performed by Denis Azabagic


Miscelanea Quartet in Swirling modes (music byAtanas Ourkouzounov) Doberman-Yppan , DO 1045 , Canada , 2016

Cinq illusions sonores , Swirling modes , Broken Dance , Divertimento , 4 Figures acoustiques , Revolving lantern  performed by Miscelanea Guitar Quaret


Florilège de la guitare N°2 GHA Records 126.601 , Belgium , 2017

Sonate N°1   performed by Zoran Dukic


Musica Nueva Prodimus , Chile , 2011

Toryanse Tales  performed by Carlos Perez


Hymn to the Muse Timespan Recordings , United Kingdom , 2016

Four Greek Miniatures  performed by Antigoni Goni


Silencios Interrumpidos Vol.1  Mexico , 2018

Postlude in Green  performed by Juan Carlos Laguna


Suite Buenos Aires Meister Music , MM- 1087 , Japan , 2000

Sonatina Bulgarica  performed by Koji Morishita & Shin-ichi Fukuda


N°4  GSP Recordings , GSP 1032CD , USA , 2008

Sonate N°1  performed by Thibault Cauvin


Palettes  Baros Records , BR011, Slovenia , 2017

Molitva  performed by Jure Cerkovnik


Music for cello and guitar  Naxos, 8.573761 , Canada , 2017

Tanzologia  performed by Duo Villa-Lobos


Toryanse Soundset Recordings , USA , 2016

Toryanse Tales  performed by Dimitris Kotronakis


Signature Les Productions d’OZ , DZ3333 , Canada , 2019

Broken Grooves  performed by Duo Les Frères méduses


Kaleidoscope ALM Records  , RR- 128 , Japan , 2019

Bulgarian Rock performed by Ryoko Hirada (violin) & Norio Sato (guitar)


Roaming Trekel Records  , TR 2001 , Germany , 2020

Horo performed by Rotenbek Guitar Trio 


Traveling Sonata Reference Recordings  , ALCD – 7235 , USA , 2012

Sonatine performed by Viviana Guzman & Jérémy Jouve


Auburn Dna label , Greece , 2017

Sonate N°1  performed by Mislav Rezic


Meguru Zipangu Products Co.Ltd , ZIP-0048 , Japan , 2014

Bulgarian Rock  for 10 instruments   performed by Ensemble Nomad


A la carte zeyo2010 , Japan , 2019

Reflet II  performed by DOT , Norio Sato & Shunsuke Yamashita


Festival 2008  Faszination gitarre , Germany , 2008

Reflet V  performed by Duo Gruber-Maklar


Impressions Bartelt Music , 8802697, Germany , 2017

4 Legends  performed by Duo Iridis


Songs & dances from the new village Koch  , KIC-CD-7652 , USA , 2007

Sonatine performed by Laura Gilbert & Antigoni Goni


The Balkan project Cedille Records , CDR 90000 117  , USA , 2010

Macedonian song (from 4 Legends)  performed by Cavatina Duo


Taigo Skarbo , DSK  4077 , France , 2007

Sonatina Bulgarica  performed by Sara Chenal & Olivier Pelmoine


Duo Sevdana Tyrolis Classic , CD 352 048 , Austria , 2002

Sonatina Bulgarica  performed by Duo Sevdana


Balkan Fragments, Suisse , 2017

Tanzologia  performed by Noémy Braun & Dimitar Ivanov


Beyond Borders  , Suisse , 2016

Tanzologia  performed by Ina Apostolova & Dimitar Ivanov

Divertissement à trois  performed by Ina Apostolova,Ruslan Apostolov & Dimitar Ivanov


Legenden QBK , Poland , 2017

4 Legends  performed by Baumbach Duo 


Reflets Long Distance , 0630308 , France , 2008

Fantasia Bulgarica & Reflet IV  performed by Duo Palissandre


Modern Guitar Duets Clear Note , 74574 , USA , 2012

Fantasia Bulgarica  performed by Les Frères Méduses


Diabolico  La Flame , LF0401 , Canada , 2004

Caprice d’après Paganini  performed by Patrick Kearney


Fluid Lines Move Records , MD 3355 , Australia , 2012

Horo  performed by Duo 19


d’aujoud’hui Move Records , MD 3323 , Australia , 2008

Sonatina Bulgarica  performed by Zoe Black & Daniel McKay


Tintinnabuli QBK , Poland , 2012

Sonatina Bulgarica  performed by Haniszewska – Kandulski Duo


Oracion  Daminus Records , Dam 998 CD , Germany , 2012

Caprice on an Orthodox chant  performed by Jan Bartlema


Orient Express

Ars Musici , 233800 , Germany , 2013

Divertimento  performed by Take Four Guitar Quartet


Muzica, PBF1210 , Canada , 2013

Sonatine performed by Duo Beija-Flor


Recital  Daphne Records , 1053 , Sweden , 2015

Folk Song Variations   performed by David Harenstam


Opus Guitar Skarbo , DSK  1144 , France , 2014

Toryanse Tales  performed by Olivier Pelmoine


Music for 2 guitars Clear Note , USA , 2010

Horo  performed by The Akerman-Teixeira Guitar Duo


Traverses  Mandala , MAN 5048 , France , 2002

Scherzo à dix cordes  performed by Duo Goyescas


In the Woods Soundset Records , SR1053 , USA , 2014

Sonate N°1  performed by Bradley Kunda


Levantine Acoustic Music Records , Best Nr.319.1374.2 , Germany , 2007

Fairy Tale  performed by Nathasja Van Rosse


New York Fantasy Acoustic Music Records , Best Nr.319.1324.2 , Germany , 2004

Horo  performed by Duo Stoyanova


Soliloquium, ECCD 1002 , Argentina , 2007

Contes des Balkans  performed by Esteban Colucci


My heart’s in the highlands, ECCD 1004 , Argentina , 2011

Kaleidoscore performed by Esteban Colucci


Entre danses et chansons  Chantelive , CL 2192 , France , 2008

Sonate N°1  performed by René Lagos-Diaz


Southeast Meets Southwest  Doberman-Yppan , DO 740 , Canada , 2010

Tanzologia  performed by Nebojsa Bugarski & Zarko Ignjatovic


Allant…vers ,  France , 2008

Scherzo a modo mio performed by Duo Chitarrone


D’ici et d’ailleurs , Nes 001 , France , 2000

Sonatine performed by Duo Ducasse & Albert


Influences,  Germany , 2022

Quatre Légendes performed by Duo con Spirito


Works for guitar sextet, Naxos 8.551475 , Germany , 2022

Codex Bulgaricus performed by  Guitar a seis


Libertango, GLM Music GMBH , Germany , 2023

Rhodope song and dance performed by Doris Orsan – violin & Johannes Tonio Kreusch – guitar


Innovations , Musicaphon MM5728 , Germany , 2023

Scherzando para mano sinistra performed by Nicola Yasmin Stock
